Saturday 30 March 2013

         “Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a b[log].” 
            ― Cicero (with some embellishments)

I don't write. Well, apart from things I've been forced to write: emails, tweets, academic essays and a small 150-page master's dissertation. I even rewrite other people's work. But I don't write for fun. Unfortunately, academia has horribly shaped the way that I write into a boring, standardised and repetitive mechanism, and I'm hoping to break from that a bit. I'm hoping that this will change things.

What I do do is have a lot of opinions. And the internet is all about opinions, and making other people read your opinions. In honour of this brave (and probably irritating) tradition, I will have this... thing involve my opinions and analyses of things I've seen. Maybe you will like them, Maybe you will hate them. Maybe I'll even get death threats, if I'm lucky. But I'll probably get my own thoughts about things properly arranged, instead of them mashing together in my brain forever and driving me mad.

I have a very diverse range of interests, but I plan to talk about what interests me (mostly thrills, spills and escapism!), no matter how schizophrenic a read it may make. My interests, and even loves, may or may not overlap with what interests you, but I hope they do. Failing that, that I can bring you over to my side of things with some sumptuous prose. And opinions. But mostly opinions.